If your hair is looking lackluster, feeling brittle, or thinning out, don’t be quick to blame your genes or the medications you’re taking. Undoubtedly, stress, medical treatments, and lifestyle habits can take a toll, but there’s another culprit – your diet. What you eat can make all the difference between lifeless locks and a mane that’s vibrant, strong, and healthy. So, before you dive into another round of hair supplements, take a closer look at what’s on your plate!
Balanced Diet for Healthy Hair
A well-balanced diet ensures that you get enough vitamins and minerals required for healthy and strong hair follicles. Nutrient deficiencies can directly impact hair quality, making it look dull, dry, or prone to breakage. If a blood test reveals a deficiency, your doctor might recommend supplements. However, a nutrient-rich, balanced diet for healthy hair is often the most natural and effective way to maintain splendid locks.
Let’s explore the importance of nutrition and hair health and the recommended foods that provide these nutrients.
- Proteins – Hair is made up of keratin, a type of protein. You can get this important nutrient from lean meats like chicken, turkey, seafood, fish, eggs, and legumes.
- Minerals – Iron, zinc, magnesium, and selenium support hair growth, improve hair structure and reduce hair fall. Leafy vegetables like spinach, beans, beef liver, and cabbage are abundant in iron. Seeds and nuts, wheat germ, and oysters are some good sources of zinc.
- Healthy fats – You can derive healthy fats from Omega 3, olive oil, plant-based oils like avocado oil, and flax seeds. These healthy fats are important for overall scalp health and keeping the hair strong and healthy.
- Vitamins – Vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E support hair health, prevent breakage, and prevent hair follicles from oxidative stress.
- Vitamin A can be found in sweet potatoes, squash, and leafy greens.
- Vitamin B5 promotes blood flow to the scalp, supports hair growth, and prevents hair fall. It can be found in Greek yogurt, meats, fish, whole grains, and cereals.
- Berries are loaded with vitamin C, an important nutrient for producing collagen.
- Vitamin D helps create new hair follicles, maintaining hair thickness, and preventing it from falling. This vitamin can be found in certain foods like egg yolks, and fatty fish.
- Vitamin E is required to promote blood circulation in the scalp and to boost hair health and shine. Some of the best sources of vitamin E are wheat germ oil, almonds, avocadoes, peanuts, red bell peppers, fish, pumpkin, beat greens, collard greens, and spinach.
Three-step Plan for Healthier Hair
- Keep your scalp hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
- Avoid crash diets and extreme weight loss programs as these can weaken your hair.
- Eat a variety of foods and rotate between vegetables, fruits, and proteins to ensure you get enough nutrients needed for healthy hair.
Maintain a Hair-Healthy Diet
Your hair is your crowning glory. Keep it looking its best by eating a balanced diet with varied nutrient-rich foods. Be consistent in what you consume, and you will see your hair get stronger and healthier with time. Remember, if you have concerns about hair loss or overall hair health, it’s always best to consult a professional. By making mindful food choices and incorporating these hair-friendly foods into your diet, you’ll be on your way to flaunting healthier and stronger locks in no time.
For more advice on nutrition and hair health or to book a haircut with the professionals at Salon Artigiano, call us at 609-581-6600 or send us a message.